A leading global name in the industry, Exactech is renowned for its innovative FDA-approved joint implants, instruments and smart joint replacement technologies designed to make patients more mobile and improve their quality of life.
Universally regarded as surgeons’ most trusted choice for orthopaedic care, Al Shirawi Healthcare’s partnership with the American brand brings Exactech’s signature offerings including its Excatech GPS®, Equinoxe® Shoulder Platform System and the Truliant® Knee Systemt to the UAE and Middle East markets.
Active navigation in a compact, mobile system within the sterile field.
- First and only system for both shoulder & primary/revision knee.
- Complete surgeon control.
- Wide field of view at 135 degrees.
- Compact, mobile, outpatient clinic friendly.
Exactech at a glance
Helping surgeons worldwide make patients more mobile
- World HQ in Gainesville, FL
- Distribution in 35+ countries
- Direct operations: UK, Spain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, Korea, Japan, Australia
Surgeon-founded culture, patient-driven innovations
- Founded in 1985
- Bill Petty, MD, Betty Petty, Gary Miller, PhD
Innovative Products: Extremities
Equinoxe® Platform Shoulder System
- 15+ years of clinical use
- Fastest growing and most studied shoulder system
- 10,000+ patient database for research
- Solutions for any shoulder arthroplasty procedure
- Multiple first-to-market innovations
Innovative Products: Large Joint
Truliant® Knee System
Equinoxe® Planning App and GPS® Shoulder
Predict+ is a new application of clinical research that represents a significant advancement that brings new insights to the patient consultation process. Using machine learning analyses, Predict+ delivers personalized, evidence-based predictions
that objectively quantify the potential risk and benefit that an individual patient may experience after either aTSA or rTSA. Predict+ is designed to inform and support surgeon clinical treatment decision-making by quantifying precisely how an individual patient will benefit from shoulder arthroplasty.
VERASENSE Wireless Humeral Load Sensor
Sensor Assisted Total Shoulder Arthroplasty - Each patient’s stability and mobility metrics are unique – and can be difficult to determine. The new VERASENSE™ wireless humeral sensor and display
unit provides personalized visual and intraoperative data and Objective feedback of joint compression loads on the humeral insert throughout the range of motion
Equinoxe® Ergo® Instruments
Building on nearly two decades of clinical experience with the Equinoxe® Shoulder System, the industry’s fastest-growing shoulder, Exactech introduces the new Ergo® Instruments, which showcase the innovation that is central
to the Equinoxe system’s success. Designed to be ergonomic, for a comfortable and secure grip. The Modular parts are intended for easy assembly and are adaptable to surgeon’s preferences with shoulder-specific retractors included in every set.
Equinoxe® Stemless Shoulder
Exactech Today : Key Brands
Cemented Range
- cemented fixation through a highly polished surface finish
- taper 12/14 – 5°40’
- sterilised by Gamma irradiation.
- Self-locking type: quadrangular shape with truncated cone to optimize cementless fixation. This type of implant is also available in a cemented version.
- INSTITUTIONTM standard stem
- Marc.K TM trochanter hook
- PAVI TM stem cemented 135°
Acetabular Component
The French company Groupe Lepine is the leading manufacturer and supplier of orthopaedic implants for hip, knee and extremities. Grounded in the single ambition to become the chosen partner of the medical world — the company has continued asserting its commitment to preserve its independence and family values since 1714, allowing it to make its own decisions and demand the best.
Al Shirawi Healthcare’s partnership with the industry stalwart has led us to become the premier orthopaedic implants and prosthesis supplier in the UAE.
Waiting rooms
- Available 24/7
- Family coverage
- Upfront Pricing
- Digital prescriptions
- Free follow-ups
- chat, phone, video call options
Healthcare partnerships
20,000 doctors, 150 specialties,
How does it work?
Dr. Chyna Jackson
Optometrist Specialist
Get your diagnosis and prescription
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Free Follow-ups as needed
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Our users are Happy & Healthy
“I get all my prescriptions through this app. now I never have to waste my time going to a doctors office and sitting around the room!”
Theo James
“I love my dermatologist that I found on this app! She is very professional and it’s so easy to just chat or video call her whenever I need!
Emilia Munro
“I downloaded this app when i was super sick and had a doctor write me a prescription within 15 minutes!! What a life-changing app!”
Branden Griffiths
we’re here to all your questions
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